03 November 2012

being thankful & yummy stuff!

Today, I am thankful for my fiance.
At the moment, it's mostly because he surprised me with the Jurassic Park trilogy when I was sick on Thursday.  But also because he makes me smile like 98% of the time {which is a lot btw}.  And because he is so handsome.  And because he always has something nice to say to me when I'm really upset over stupid things {which is often}.  And, because he's all mine for always.
Oh yeah, you probably want something totally yummy too.
How does Apple Cider Sangria sound? 
Well, obviously.

 I found this recipe on Pintrest, via this awesome blog
Basically, her whole site is foodporn.
 And the pictures are way better.
But for my version, I switched it up because...
a - I was too lazy to read the directions properly
b - my pitcher was sadly small
c - I just wanted to drink wine
d - all of the above.

So, here's mine:
1 - Jonagold apple (I think that's the kind. Idk. Pretty sure whatever apples you like will work fine.)
1.5 - cups of apple cider. good stuff.
1/2 - cup of brandy (that's one half, not one or two)
1/2 - cup club soda
a bunch of wine. in this case Barefoot Riesling.
{the measurement is a bunch because I put the rest of the ingredients in my tiny pitcher then just added wine til it was full. then drank a glass.  then added more wine.}
So yeah. Then you stir it all up and drink a bunch.
Oh, you should probably chill it for awhile too.
But who are we kidding?  Let's just drink it.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is sweet! I am thankful for my man too!

And I must know... what font did you use for your "Rose & Lou"??? I need it!