08 June 2012


dear friday: can you be over now? so far, you're not being nice to me. how dare you cause me to impale my foot first thing this morning?  i don't care what you say, it wasn't my fault the piece of jewelry wire was on the carpeted floor... dear super amazing IT guy: thank you for setting up my new laptop and not laughing at me when i couldn't connect to the internet because i didn't turn the wi fi button on.  you rock. i definitely owe you.  dear mom: i hope you know how much i love and appreciate you, not just because you drive me around when i don't have my car or buy me cool tech devices.  dear hair: stop being unruly!!!  dear potato chips: seriously, stop leaping out of your back and into my mouth! i've told you, we can't see each other anymore.  dear sunday: please be awesome and let me earn a lot of money.  momma's broker than the oldest joke.  dear pomegranate and cranberry green tea: thank you for being utterly delicious.  dear fiance: i miss you. hangout saturday night?  xoxo


On a not Friday Letter kind of note...
Remember the Live Healthy Challenge?  Well the last two weeks have been all about healthy eating habits, and let me tell you, I have been failing miserably.  I start out every morning with the best of intentions - eat some yogurt and such.  (Yup, still choking it down.  I'm starting to kind of like the cherry kind even.)  But somehow I keep breaking down and buying chips or a candy bar or making something baked and not healthy once I get home (unless I eat a dinner of chips or something).  Yesterday I even purposely bought myself healthy (healthier) snacks for work: OatFit oatmeal (100 calories each package - super yummy too!), Special K bars (100 cals), Nature Valley granola thins (80 cals)...and walked to Subway for lunch (1/2 turkey sub, no dressing, on honey oat roll)...and still ended up eating an Almond Joy and chips.  UGH.  I don't know why I just can't seem to re-train myself to stay on the right track.

I'm not super concerned with my weight or anything like that.  I'm pretty happy with myself, and so is my fiance, but I just know that I'm not as healthy as I can and should be.  So I've been trying to push myself to eat better and get more (or some, because generally I get none) exercise. 

 But it's been a really hard road just trying to re-train myself.  Yesterday I bought ingredients for berry smoothies, (frozen berries, yogurt, juice) so I'm hoping that having one of those for breakfast and a healthier lunch will help to keep me on the right track!  And it has been a couple weeks since I've had soda! (Um except one small malibu & coke...forgive me, it was so yummy. and it was only one!)

So I'll be posting more in the next few weeks about how I've "tricked" myself into eating healthier and doing more exercise.  I haven't lost any weight, but my migraines have been pretty much nonexistant since I changed up most of my worst eating habits!  What are some of your favorite ways to stay healthy?

P.S. I've decided on this as my signature, because that's actually how I write my name in real life :)  T that looks like a 7 and all. 


Rebecca Smith said...

Favourite ways of staying healthy are eating plenty of fruit and veg, drinking lots of water and walking whenever I can -simple ways are often the best ways xo

Ashley said...

Good luck with your eating! Just remember that you have good intentions and thats a step in the right direction!! Nothing wrong with soda as long as its mixed with a little adult bev!! :)

MostWhatMatters said...

I have the same unruly hair problem lately! AHHHH. I just followed you today, since I love your blog. Can't wait for more! Check out mine when you get a chance @ http://mostwhatmatters.blogspot.com