02 January 2013

Au revoir, 2012

Every year can  usually be summed up in a similar manner.
There were good times, bad times...
Some sad things, devastating even, occurred.
But some of the happiest times too.

In 2012...
I said goodbye to a beloved brother.
I became engaged to the most annoying and wonderful man.
I started this blog, and "met" some amazing new (albeit long distance) friends.
I welcomed a gorgeous baby nephew into the world.
I loved.

Here are some highlights from my holidays.
I look forward to sharing a very happy 2013 with you all!

Santa Stone in  his leopard santa hat...

and me rockin' my new "soft kitty" tshirt...LOVE big bang theory!

my brother josh, and sister nanci...Christmas morning.

josh, my love, and me.

saying goodbye to one of my favorite music venues...

where I was back to being a teenager for the evening, as I was too cold to run back to the car for my id...

but at least we got to watch one of my absolute favorite bands. Pentimento.

in a sketchy city McDonald's drive thru, post show.  We do this a lot.
the man, all tuckered out after a much too long night of New Year's revelries.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the underage marks! HA!

Happy New Year toots!