Being without the internet at home for the last couple weeks, I've spent wayyyy too much time playing on my iPhone. Which means, I've spent a ton of time looking on Instagram, using my Pintrest app, stalking Facebook, and trying to catch up on some blog reading. Clearly, not posting any new posts here, because lemme tell ya, typing on that thing is hard. My texts even get all FUBAR.
But anyway. The point.
The point is, that going through all of those apps, and reading all of these things, a few common threads started to pull at me. The first being, holy shizzzz are we obsessed with our weight.
I mean really. Half of the "hair & beauty" pins on Pintrest are about weight loss, or "motivational" pictures of girls who probably spend 98% of their lives at the gym {not that spending that much of your time at the gym is bad, just sayin'}
And that's just messed up to me. Seriously.
What is with the lack of diversity?? And I don't just mean that it's filled with a lot of slender types instead of larger girls...there's definitely a lack of anything but caucasian women. Is it because we're all so lazy we're just repinning other people's pins or what? sheesh.
Anyway, on the topic of weight loss, I have decided that is also complete and utter BS.
Awhile back, I wrote a post on how disgusted I was with myself for weighing 190 pounds, and decided I'd bust my ass to get slim again.
Guess what? It's a few months later and I'm still 190 pounds, with a fiance who tells me daily how much he loves me and thinks I'm beautiful. Just as I am. A few extra pounds and all.
I tried exercising regularly. Which resulted in pain, thanks to being unable to find a sports bra that I could fit into and afford. I began eating better, and keeping track of what I eat. And guess what? That weight just stayed right on there. The only way I feel I'll really be able to lose any substantial amount of weight, is if I stop eating altogether, or someone chops off my boobs.
And ya know what? I don't care anymore. I liked myself anyway. I thought I was pretty. I thought my jeans looked awesome, and my shirts looked cute. And I still fell into the trap of not being good enough, by comparing myself to all of these girls and women who are lucky enough to be that slender, whether by being able to lose weight or by simply having that body type.
And if I {I consider myself to be a pretty confident person, by the way} fell into that trap, what are we teaching the next generation? That if you're not supermodel slim, you're worthless?
I guess I still don't know where I'm going with this...
Except to say that I feel like punching every girl I see post something about eating a burger and feeling like a fatass. I don't care if you look like Jabba the Hutt, you're still gorgeous to someone, somewhere.